McCalls Pattern 2977  Infants Bunting and Hats Uncut & Factory Folded

Uncut and Factory Folded

McCalls Pattern 2977

Out of Print and of course generally not available

Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large

 Infants Bunting and Hats:  Bunting has front zipper closure, raglan sleeve, and hood.  View A has contrast sleeves, View B has star appliques.  Hat A, B or C also included. 

Extremely versatile, can be used for dress up and Easter (Bunny).  These are the cute outfits that are so expensive in the boutiques.  You can make them at a fraction of the cost with this pattern, some fun fabrics, and a little time.



Weight:  13-15 Pounds

Height: 25-26 Inches


Weight: 16-18 Pounds

Height: 27-28 Inches


Weight: 19-21 Pounds

Height: 29-30 Inches


Weight:  22-24 Pounds

Height:  31-32 Inches.


Suggested Fabrics:   Polar Fleece, Berber; Sleevebands and legbands A ribbed knits Contrast C Lame, Novelty Fabrics. 
